Report Absences/Student Illness

NEW Absence Reporting Procedure

We’re excited to announce that the ability to submit student absences is now available in PowerSchool!  

PowerSchool can also continue to be used to view grades and report cards, pay fees, and update student information (including medical information).

You can view the EICS Parent Technology Handbook for further details on these items.

Our Elk Island Catholic Schools IT department is continuing to work on implementing additional features, so keep an eye out in our Smores for future updates!

Attendance Policy


Click on the link for Attendance Policy and Information

Attendance Policy

AHS Guide for Illness in School

For information regarding student illness please click the link below to access the Alberta Health Services website which includes the following information:

"It is recommended that symptomatic individuals stay at home until they are feeling well,
are able to fully participate in all normal school activities and have reached the end of the recommended isolation period (as applicable):

  • Respiratory Illness - Isolation recommendations can be found here
  • Gastrointestinal Illness - 48 hours after symptoms resolve
  • Rash Illness – depends on the type of rash that is present
    - Cases with rash illness do not need to be excluded if others at the school
    were already exposed to the case while infectious and the case is feeling
    well enough to fully participate in all normal school activities unless
    exclusion is specifically recommended by the AHS Public Health Outbreak

 Guide for Outbreak Prevention and Control in Schools