Meeting Schedule
-Meetings are held the first Monday of each month
-Meetings are held every month throughout the school year
Meetings begin at 7:00 pm.
This year's meetings are scheduled for:
SAC Agendas
Minutes from last meetings:
Parents are encouraged to become involved in our school council. Elections are held for positions at the beginning of the school year. Many parents sit on committees that are organized by the council. It is best if each classroom has a parent representative who attends School Council meetings and who is the liaison with the staff. Meetings are held approximately every one to two months throughout the year. According to Administrative Procedure 110 the purpose of SCHOOL COUNCILS is as follows:
The Division encourages and promotes the establishment of School Councils in its schools in accordance with the School Act.
The Division encourages the involvement of parents in the affairs of schools and the school system through participation in School Councils to facilitate interaction among parents, educators and students to better serve the Catholic community and support the Division’s mission and vision.
- The Principal is responsible for the management and operation of the school as assigned by the School Act, Board policy and administrative procedures.
- In addition to purposes stated in statute and regulation , the purposes of the School Council shall be to:
- Offer advice and consultation to the Principal, the Superintendent and the Board about any matter relevant to school operations;
- Encourage greater parent participation in the education of their children;
- Promote parent understanding of the education system and teaching and learning processes;
- Provide parents an organization for expressing their support for education;
- Foster a total Catholic school community;
- Work together to ensure the best possible Catholic education for students in the school and the broader school community;
- Enhance communication between the home and the school;
- Provide input from parents in the development of the mission of the school and in the attainment of that mission;
- Receive reports from the Principal on the school program, general policies and organization of the school;
- Receive reports and suggestions from parents and community groups on school-related matters.
- School Councils are required to adhere to Board policy and Division administrative procedures in all aspects of their operation.
- The School Council may make its own bylaws and rules with respect to the operation of the Council.
- The School Council shall provide to the Board for information, through the Superintendent, a copy of any bylaws or rules of operation.
- The School Council shall provide its annual report to the Board on or before June 15.
- The accounts and financial affairs of the School Council will be subject to audit from time to time by the Secretary-Treasurer or designate.
- Principal approved costs associated with the operation of the School Council shall be included in the operation budget of the school.
- Establishment
- The Principal shall assist with the establishment of a School Council.
- Where a school is unsuccessful in establishing a School Council, the Principal shall make every effort to establish a parent liaison committee for that year.
- Where a quorum of the School Council is not reached pursuant to the regulations, the operation of the School Council will be suspended until the following school year. The Principal shall attempt to establish a parent liaison committee for the remainder of that year.
- Dispute Resolution
Where an irresolvable dispute arises between the School Council and the Principal, or within the School Council, the following will apply:
- The dispute resolution process shall be conducted in a timely manner.
- Each party to the dispute shall submit the nature of the dispute, in writing to the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent or designate shall attempt a resolution.
- If the dispute cannot be resolved, the Superintendent will convene a resolution committee. This committee shall include a School Council member from another school, a Principal from another school, and an independent Chair appointed by the Superintendent.
- The resolution committee will convene a hearing in an attempt to resolve the dispute. A representative of the School Council, and the Principal or designate, will each be invited to present the nature of the dispute. The Superintendent will outline the process used to resolve the dispute to this point.
- The resolution committee will make recommendations regarding the resolution of the dispute.
- Costs associated with the activity of the resolution committee will be assessed equally to the school budget and to the School Council.
- Where the dispute is still unresolved, the Superintendent will present the issue to the Board for resolution.
- The decision of the Board shall be binding on all parties.
Reference: Section 20, 22, 60, 61, 113 School Act
School Councils Regulation 113/2007
Alberta School Council Resource Manual