
St. Martin's Pre-Kindergarten

Welcome to Pre-Kindergarten! 

As part of a well-rounded, play-based curriculum we will explore the following areas of early childhood development:

  • Experience the beginning of an educational journey in a faith-filled setting,    
  • Build relationships with our peers, teachers and school community,
  • Support and enhance your child’s independence and growing confidence,
  • Experience dramatic and imaginative play with friends in class,
  • Explore early literacy and numeracy concepts,
  • Expand language and communication skills,
  • Develop critical thinking skills through “Loose Parts” and “Tinkerlab” activities
  • Introduce classroom routines,
  • Participate in fine and gross motor movement activities.

All EICS Pre-Kindergarten classes are taught by knowledgeable and caring certified teachers with the support of a multidisciplinary team made up of Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Assistants and the Early Learning Consultants.

EICS offers Pre-Kindergarten programming for children aged 4 years on or before December 31st.   As an inclusive School Division, we also offer to program for children with mild/moderate or severe delays.  Please refer to the Brighter Beginnings section of the EICS website for further information about Program Unit Funding.

St. Martin's has 2 Pre-Kindergarten programs that run 2 full days (all school day scheduled Monday/Thursday program or the Tuesday/Friday program) per week.  Field trips (Government permitting) and other special school activities will be organized by the teacher at each school.


Community children - $1250.00 per year.  This can be paid in monthly installments.

*PreK (2 days a week) - Monday, Thursday - No fundraising, $125/month

*PreK (2 days a week) - Tuesday, Friday - No fundraising, $125/month

*PreK & Nature (5 days a week) - Monday to  Friday Program - No fundraising, $250/month


To register for Pre-Kindergarten please do the following:

1a) Log into PowerSchool (if you have a PowerSchool Account) and click "SchoolEngage - Student Forms".  This will bring you into the SchoolEngage, our forms management system

1b) If you are a new parent recently registered with the division and do not yet have a PowerSchool account, please log directly into SchoolEngage at

2) Click on the graduation hat icon on the left and click the name of the student you wish to register for Pre-Kindergarten

3) Click "New Form" beside the form titled "A.2) EICS Pre-K to 12 Registration Form for In Person Learning" and submit the form to the school hosting the program.

Early Childhood Links: 


Alberta Education Programming for Children with Special Education Needs

CMEC Statement on Play-Based Learning

The First Six Years

Circle of Security