Click HERE to Register
This early years enrichment opportunity will allow children to spend the vast majority of their day outside, engaged in meaningful ways with their body, mind and spirit while located in a natural setting.
Children attend their community Pre K or Kindergarten program THEN attend Nature Program on alternating days.
Working as a group of explorers, driven by their own curiosity children will be given outdoor opportunities for self-directed learning through play. Using multiple natural learning environments, children will develop confidence in their own abilities to investigate and to collaborate. Children will be physically active and engaged in movement skills that will facilitate their balance, stamina and strength.
Nature Program St. Martin's Info
$1250 per year. This can be paid in 10 monthly installments ($125.00/month).
- PreK & Nature (5 days a week) - Monday to Friday Program - $250 per month
- ECS & Nature (5 days a week) - Monday to Friday Program - $125 per month
To register for Nature Program please do the following:
1a) Log into PowerSchool (if you have a PowerSchool Account) and click "SchoolEngage - Student Forms". This will bring you into the SchoolEngage, our forms management system
1b) If you are a new parent recently registered with the division and do not yet have a PowerSchool account, please log directly into SchoolEngage at
2) Click on the graduation hat icon on the left and click the name of the student you wish to register for Nature Program
3) Click "New Form" beside the form titled "B.3) Supplemental Program Registration" and submit the form to the school hosting the program.