
Extra Curricular

St. Martin's has a variety of extra-curricular activities that students can participate in.  Activities include our grade 6 students doing a variety of "jobs" in support of younger students and the school as a whole, a leadership team that plans a variety of events and activities, milk program assistance.

We are excited to offer an extra-curricular athletics programs to our grade five and six students!  We will be creating a team of student-athletes to practice, play, and have fun.  The objectives of the our athletics teams will be to increase the skill level of the players, practice teamwork/sportsmanship, and to enjoy sport.  St. Martin's will be a part of the Elk Island Catholic Schools Sports Council. EICS Sports Council has created a 5/6 league that is focused on participation, skill development, and enjoyment of sport. There are three sports that are part of the league: volleyball, basketball, and badminton. Typically, our students travel to schools in Sherwood Park or Fort Saskatchewan in order to play fun games against students from other EICS schools.

Please listen for announcements at the school or in our weekly e-mails home for more information about signing up and participating.